If you are accused of driving drunk, driving recklessly, or injuring somebody with your car, you can be subjected to criminal penalties and stripped of your driver’s license. There can be additional ramifications for your finances and personal life, including civil lawsuits. Spring & Spring is positioned to assert and protect your rights if you are charged with committing a motor vehicle crime. Middlesex County motor vehicle crimes defense attorney Chris Spring is a former prosecutor who is skilled in aggressively attacking the Commonwealth’s evidence and winning at trial. Attorney Spring understands that you have much at stake, starting with your freedom and your driving privileges. Call him today at (617) 513-9444.
Concord motor vehicle crimes defense lawyer Attorney Spring defends all types of motor vehicle criminal offenses, including drunk driving, motor vehicle homicide, and leaving the scene of death, personal injury, or property damage. The firm accepts cases from every city and town in Middlesex, Worcester, Essex, Norfolk, and Suffolk Counties.
Attorney Spring practices in the district and superior courts of Middlesex, Essex, Worcester, Norfolk and Suffolk counties. He defends the following types of motor vehicle crimes.
Whether you are facing your first OUI or a subsequent offense, Attorney Spring will attack the Commonwealth’s case from the beginning of the investigation through the trial. He has experienced great success in defending cases charging operating under the influence of alcohol (OUI) and operating under the influence of drugs (OUI-Drugs).
Causing a motor vehicle homicide can lead to jail and a crippling license loss. Attorney Spring has successfully handled cases alleging both motor vehicle homicide by negligent operation and felony motor vehicle homicide (causing a fatal accident while under the influence of alcohol or drugs).
Fleeing or failing to stop and identify yourself after an accident can result in your being charged with a crime. This is most commonly known as a hit and run. The firm has successfully defended individuals charged with leaving the scene of an accident.
You might face a criminal record, jail and the loss of your license for driving in a way that endangers others, even if no accident occurred. The firm has successfully defended individuals charged with reckless operation of a motor vehicle or the lesser charge of negligent operation of a motor vehicle.
Operating a car with a suspended license, suspended registration or no insurance are seemingly minor offenses that can result in serious penalties from the Registry of Motor Vehicles, in addition to fines and possible jail time in court. Attorney Spring has successfully defended people charged with every type of motor vehicle crime.
Attorney Chris Spring is a former Middlesex County assistant district attorney who has defended the full spectrum of cases, from homicides and felonies to misdemeanors and license infractions. He has tried hundreds of cases as a prosecutor and defense attorney, and he will use his knowledge of the justice system to aggressively defend you. See examples of the firm’s Success Stories in OUI and motor vehicle cases.
Contact our Concord criminal defense attorneys today online or at (617) 513-9444. Your first consultation is always free.