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Ashland OUI Defense Lawyer

An operating under the influence (OUI) charge in Ashland, Massachusetts may upend your life and result in expensive fines and adverse lifestyle changes, such as the loss of your driver’s license or even jail time. An aggressive Concord criminal defense attorney can help you avoid the most serious consequences connected to a drunk driving charge. Contact us today to begin with a free consultation.

Why Choose Attorney Chris Spring?

  • More than 20 years of experience defending clients from criminal charges and OUIs.
  • Over 150 cases tried before juries in courthouses throughout Massachusetts.
  • History as a prosecutor, giving Chris Spring insider knowledge about the other side.
  • Outstanding case results for previous OUI and motor vehicle crime clients.
  • Attention to detail and personalized defense strategies for every case and client.

What Can a DUI Defense Lawyer Do for You?

An experienced criminal defense attorney in Ashland will seek all possible defense options for a positive case result on your behalf, such as case dismissal, dropped charges, acquittal, alternative sentences, reduced charges and mitigated penalties.

From challenging the prosecutor’s evidence against you and questioning arrest procedures to planning a strategic defense, your lawyer will work tirelessly to mitigate the effects of a driving under the influence (DUI) or OUI arrest on your life and future.

What Is an OUI Under Massachusetts Law?

According to Massachusetts General Laws c.90 § 24, it is against the law to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated, meaning, “with a percentage, by weight, of alcohol in their blood of eight one-hundredths or greater, or while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, or of marijuana, narcotic drugs, depressants or stimulant substances.”

The case elements that a prosecutor will need to prove as true beyond a reasonable doubt to attain an OUI conviction are as follows:

  • Operation: the suspect (defendant) was operating a motor vehicle at the time of the stop.
  • Under the influence: the defendant was under the influence of alcohol, drugs or a combination of both.
  • Impairment: the defendant’s ability to operate the vehicle was impaired by his or her intoxication.
  • Probable cause: law enforcement must have had a valid reason to conduct the stop other than suspicion of OUI.

In Massachusetts, if a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test such as a breathalyzer shows a BAC at or above 0.08 percent, a suspect can be found guilty of “OUI per se,” meaning without needing further evidence of intoxication. Without an illegal BAC, the prosecution must provide additional proof of the driver’s alleged impairment.

Which Courthouse Hears OUI Cases in Ashland?

If you get arrested and charged with operating under the influence in Ashland, any required court appearances will take place in the Framingham District Court. This courthouse serves the communities of Ashland, Framingham, Holliston, Hopkinton, Sudbury and Wayland.

Below is the courthouse’s contact information:

  • Address: 600 Concord St., Framingham, MA 01701
  • Phone number: (508) 875-7461
  • Email: cmframinghamdc@jud.state.ma.us
  • Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm

Criminal cases account for a substantial percentage (25.20 percent) of all cases heard in the Framingham District Court. In 2023, 2,154 criminal cases were submitted to this courthouse for processing.

Contact an Experienced DUI/OUI Defense Lawyer in Ashland

You do not have to face OUI charges alone. Contact Spring & Spring for a free consultation about how our defense attorneys can help you during this difficult time. Attorney Chris Spring will personally defend you and protect your rights – not a paralegal or secretary. Call (617) 616-8776 today to learn more.